Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads

Generate Leads Through Meta Advertising (Previously Facebook Ads)

Meta Advertising for Businesses in New Zealand

Facebook's latest news feed algorithm now gives first preference to business pages that have ads running over those that don’t. This is why you may have noticed a drop in the organic reach of your posts over the last few months. However, ads on Facebook do not have to cost an arm and a leg!

Want to wake up to new leads every day? Then you’d be crazy not to promote your business on Facebook. As of 2023, a staggering 57% of Kiwis have an active Facebook account – that’s 2.95 million New Zealanders spending an average of 50 minutes on the site! These stats show that Facebook marketing can be rewarding.

You’ve got access to a platform where your current and future clients hang out. Now, all that’s left for you to do is to tap in and reach them through paid Facebook advertising. Be one of the businesses that succeed.

Facebook: The King of Social Networks

Social media is a useful tool for increasing exposure and traffic for your business and generating leads and sales. This statement is particularly true for Facebook. The site’s popularity makes it a valuable business platform for companies across various industries. It helps you leverage the virality of social media to expand your reach and prospecting efforts.

Running ads is the cheapest and most convenient way to build your brand and create new demand for your services. It’s no surprise that businesses are investing more in Facebook ads than ever!


Facebook offers a diverse level of targeting options. These options help laser-target your intended market and ensure an ROI. You can apply various filters to only display ads to your ideal audience.

Here are the filters available to target specific audiences:

  • Demographics: Target ads based on gender, age, education, workplace, job titles, and more.
  • Locations: You can target people in your preferred district, region, or suburb. You can even target people in a radius around your neighborhood.
  • Interests: Reach the right audience for your services based on their hobbies, activities, and the pages they liked.
  • Behaviors: Tap into Facebook users’ recent purchasing behaviors, intent, device usage, and more to further refine those who see your ads.
  • Custom Audiences: Target past website visitors and people who have engaged with you or your content.

With Facebook’s Core Audience Targeting options, exposure to the right customers, investors, business owners, and more is within your reach.

AB Tests

Meta's ad manager allows you to test different versions of your ad so you can see what works best. You can use this fantastic method to experiment with your ad elements such as:

Apart from this, you can also test other essential variables such as different audience types and ad placements to determine who your best market is and where they hang out.

Making use of A/B tests will help to reduce spending advertising dollars on ads that aren’t performing. On top of this, these tests determine advertisements that are delivering results. And with that information in your hands, you can scale up spending on these ads to ensure you make the most of them.


With almost everyone on the platform, Facebook is the place to get noticed. It’s not enough to create high-quality content or promotions on your website and expect traffic. You’d also want people to know about it through advertising to be able to generate leads.

Yes, advertising using Google AdWords is one option. But these ads are only based on keyword searches or browsing history.

Facebook is about the individual and the data about them. Facebook prides itself on bringing personalized ads to a whole new level. Ads on Facebook amplify your reach to an ever-increasing and engaged audience.

Advertising on Facebook allows your content to rise above the rest. To elaborate, your ads reach more users’ newsfeeds. Even superseding the performance of free posts made on pages with thousands of fans.

Note – This reach does depend on the quality and relevance of your ad to its audience. Facebook’s algorithms affect the deliverability of advertisements in news-feeds based on their relevancy score.

Facebook advertising also goes well with Instagram advertising. Advertisers of any size can add Instagram ads to Facebook ads campaign through Meta Ad Manager. It’s as simple as ticking the “Instagram” box under the ad set’s placement section. Like hitting two birds with one stone!

Using the right fine-tuning techniques available on Facebook, results happen. You can ensure your brand captures the attention of your prospects.


Remarketing is a powerful way of growing leads for your business. It enables you to show your ads to people who have visited your website or given you their email address. Facebook remarketing ads work by following your leads on Facebook, Instagram, and also the web.

Reports have shown that remarketing is vital to keep your brand and offerings in your prospects’ minds after their first visit to your site. These ads give them the option to “pull the trigger” and get in touch with you.

When a user visits your site, he/she will be “cookied” or tagged. A Meta Pixel is a code you place on your website to enable this. When a person accesses a page on your website, your ads can follow that “cookied” user and show up on his/her Facebook news-feed.

With this, you can measure, optimize, and build audiences for your advertising campaigns.

For a practical remarketing strategy, building a Custom Audience List is the way to go. Custom Audiences allow you to serve personalized ads to a list of contacts you’ve already acquired. Either with their email addresses, phone numbers, or even Facebook user IDs.

To generate a broader audience, you can have Facebook find more people with traits and interests like those who are on your Facebook Pixel. This type of remarketing tactic on Facebook is a Lookalike Audience. You can create Lookalike Audience once your pixel tracks at least 100 contacts. The more conversion data your pixel gathers, the more accurate your Lookalike Audience will get.

You’ll also be able to reduce costs by taking advantage of the traffic that’s already coming to your website. Instead of trying to target new customers, you can aim to focus on repeat visitors to your site. These types of ads are usually much cheaper.


There’s no reason for you not to rely on Facebook as your website’s primary traffic source. Its giant user base matched with its integrated targeting options makes it the perfect ad platform. It allows your ads to go beyond the walls of Facebook and drive traffic to your website or landing page.

Facebook’s ever-growing popularity makes it an essential platform for every business to plunge into. An instant increase in traffic is now possible thanks to Facebook advertising. Facebook, the king of social networks, is without a doubt a surefire way to spike your website traffic!

Analytics, Insights and Reporting

Facebook analytics give you a complete picture of what’s working and what’s not. Vital for success with your Facebook Marketing efforts. It lets you discover valuable insights to improve your future ads. Here are the following helpful reports it provides:

  • The Overview Report: An overview of page likes, post reach, and your five most recent updates.
  • The Likes Report: Shows you Facebook users who Like your page.
  • The Reach Report: Gives you a report on the Facebook users who have seen your paid or unpaid posts, how they’ve engaged with your posts. Any negative comments or complaints are also displayed.
  • The Posts Report: Gives you a detailed report on your Page posts.
  • The People Report or Audience Insights: Shows you information on users you’d like to engage. You can learn more about your target audience’s geography, demographics, behavior, and more. The more insight you have from your customers, the better the message you’re equipped to deliver.

Advertising on Instagram

Instagram is more than just photos of coffee, the beach, fluffy puppies, or your breakfast. It is also the world’s fastest growing social media platform today. In fact, Instagram’s average user/brand interaction is about ten times higher than Facebook.

A growing number of professionals are starting to realize the value of Instagram to promote their business. Businesses focus on stories and emotions when connecting with users, and pictures and videos are the best way to portray them.

There’s no wonder why the most successful businesses are using Instagram in conjunction with Facebook to promote themselves.

Here are the top reasons why Instagram is one of the best platforms for lead generation:

  • Instagram can help you foster your connections and build your followers.
  • An image is worth a thousand words. A video is worth a million. You can edit and post stunning photos or videos in a matter of seconds.
  • Unlike traditional methods of SEO, Instagram hashtags can help you rank faster.
  • Instagram allows you to humanize your business through impactful, visual stories.
  • Instagram marketing is a great way to show that you know your industry better than anyone.
  • Instagram is an exceptional place for businesses to get referrals.

Facebook and Instagram are not the only platforms you can run online ad campaigns on. You can read about other online ad platforms such as YouTube and Google Ads here.


Indeed, Facebook and Instagram Ads under Meta are powerful marketing tools for almost all kinds of businesses. Companies that leverage Meta's fantastic ad platform have a clear competitive advantage. Whether you are in real estate, retail, services, or any other industry, Facebook and Instagram ads can help you reach your target audience effectively and efficiently.

Get Qualified Leads on Autopilot with Facebook Ads

Synergise Facebook and Instagram Ads with other powerful lead generation tools for your success.

Check out our range of results-driven lead generation packages to get started. Have us take care of the rest for you, saving you time and money. Avoid frustration from complicated tools, failed attempts & under-delivered results!

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