Content Marketing

Generate Leads Through Content

What is Content Marketing?

Content Marketing Institute defines Content Marketing as a “marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience—with the objective of driving profitable customer action.”

Content marketing is one of the most effective lead-generating strategies across various industries. This form of marketing provides valuable insights and opportunities for identifying quality prospects.

Content is the easiest way to get found online and impart value to those interested in your market. With your words, you gain trust and nurture potential clients. As part of your online arsenal, you will be able to generate leads that are already warm and ready to talk business.

Content is King

This statement is a well-deserved mantra for most marketers. And why not? Content serves as the base of your inbound marketing efforts. It acts as a connector between you and your prospects and adds fuel to your marketing campaign from email to social media.

If you want to gain an edge over your competition, investing time and effort into content marketing is the way to go. Creating high-quality content will build positive brand awareness and drive traffic to you. Remember – ‘Your web presence needs to be consistent and engaging to get a return.’

Ask the question – “How can I create content that helps my clients?”

Here are the most effective ways to integrate content into your business:

  • Blog Articles
  • LinkedIn Articles
  • E-Books
  • Landing Pages
  • Video

  • Blog Articles
  • LinkedIn Articles
  • E-Books
  • Landing Pages
  • Video
Blog Articles
Blog Articles

A significant piece of the content marketing puzzle is creating compelling blog posts for your site. Blog articles are a great way to generate traffic, grow your audience, and attract potential clients.

Quality content improves your website’s search engine optimisation (SEO) rankings for Google. Articles will also help bolster SEO Rankings on other search engines such as Bing and Yahoo. A higher ranking enables you to get to the top pages of online search results. Moreover, consistent regular content posted that educates doubles or even quadruples your ROI.

Ensure blog content includes keywords that are relevant to your audience and have high search volumes. You can determine popular keywords to target using keyword research tools available online. Free tools provided by Google are Google Trends & Google Keyword Planner. With these tools, you can even narrow down results to specific regions within New Zealand.

Target keywords should be in the following areas of your blog post:

  • Page link (URL)
  • Page title
  • Meta description
  • Meta keywords
  • Headings and body copy

The result is being able to receive more traffic to your site as you are higher up in the search results.

“More Traffic = More Leads.”

Blogging also allows you to tell stories that convert visitors into clients. Statistics from Bynder show that 69% of marketers consider investments in content as tactical decisions to protect their ability to make sales.

Your blog is the perfect place to create trust and connection with your community.

Keep it human, consistent, and provide value!

LinkedIn Articles
LinkedIn Articles

Over 1.2 million Kiwis are on LinkedIn, the most extensive social network for working professionals. This fact makes it a pool full of potential leads for your business. LinkedIn’s platform makes it simple to publish articles on industry-relevant topics.

It is one impressive online lead-generating tool that businesses should never overlook. In fact, Hubspot’s new data shows that LinkedIn is three times more efficient for lead generation than Twitter or Facebook. It’s the social media platform with the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rate!

The path to success here is to find and write about topics that your target clients like to read. Creating long-form content builds credibility among your network. Over time, with consistent, quality content, your influence grows as an industry leader.

Focus on articles which educate and inform. Following this principle will almost guarantee shares, engagement, and new connection requests. These all lead to receiving leads.

LinkedIn provides a genuine opportunity to build credibility and connections. Very few businesses are using LinkedIn to its full potential. Why pass this chance?


Creating and marketing an e-book is a robust strategy for capturing engaged leads. This tactic is the next level up from blogs and articles as it requires that you have a following and a reputation.

E-books will allow you to educate your audience and showcase your expertise. Videos added inside e-books can also transform the viewer experience while also helping with retention of information.

Your number one goal should be to create a customer-centric approach with anything you do. If you can achieve this, you receive bucket-loads in return in the form of business.

Never underestimate the power of giving. The outcome of all this serves as a method to redirect prospects into your sales funnel.

When you release an e-book, you’re also creating a “lead magnet”. Lead magnets are materials of high interest offered to gain new clients. To put this into context, e-books work as a “content upgrade” where visitors access further information unavailable on your site.

What do you get in return? Their contact details such as an email address, phone number, and physical address. You can also decide to charge for the e-book depending on the digital marketing strategy.

You are now able to interact with and nurture your list. How does this effort pay off? By attracting a loyal following with clients approaching you for your services. Or providing one or more referrals to their family and friends!

Landing Pages
Landing Pages

Most people get confused on the difference between a website’s home page and one or more landing pages.

Think of your home page as the front door of your business. Your homepage welcomes visitors and introduces them to your business. They can browse information but have the freedom to navigate throughout your site. No commitments needed.

A landing page is a single web page designed to convert. This page communicates a specific subject and the deliverables on proceeding.

Unlike home pages where visitors explore your site, landing pages focus on one action to take. This one action is also known as having a “Call to Action” or CTA.

Businesses are in the business of list building. Building a database of potential clients who are looking for your services. This list helps for marketing purposes but also direct outreach and promotions. And not forgetting the data is powerful information when analysed.

Landing pages form a critical component of your lead generation efforts. They help with converting visitors into leads for your list.

And how does the CTA encourage them to provide their details?

You offer targeted visitors something of value in return for their details. Such as an e-book or video series. You can capture information such as their name, email address, phone number & address. You can then use this information collected on your landing page to reach out or to continue lead nurturing.

Lead nurturing can continue without your input and time thanks to marketing automation.

What is marketing automation?

Marketing automation can help with nurturing leads into hot prospects. Create a funnel or journey from lead to client and build your marketing around this. With marketing automation tools, it is possible to use email sequences, website CTAs & targeted ads. All personalised based on an individual’s actions taken on your site and elsewhere.

The perfect win-win situation. Your visitors access exclusive material, and you have their details in your database. You gain their trust and can reach out to them at the right time. Or they reach out to you.

Don’t spam their emails; this won’t get you anywhere except on everyone’s blacklists. Focus on building the relationship by sharing further information, events, Facebook live videos.

Personalise and reach out with value. As a result, impressions of you are not to that of your “average business.” Very few New Zealand businesses are utilising landing pages and now’s your chance to shine.

P.s. Send traffic to your landing page from your site but also through other methods such as ads or social media. The aim is to target the right individuals for a higher conversion rate. Also, if running Facebook ads leading to landing pages, ensure guidelines provided by Facebook in their Terms of Service (TOS) are aligned to.


Is the crowded and competitive business environment bringing you down? Using video will help you get the attention you deserve.

Video marketing provides value to your prospects as it effectively conveys information. It also humanises your brand and allows viewers to consume your content at their own pace.

Video marketing presents many lead generation opportunities for businesses. When people go online, their top three primary intentions are to obtain information, solve a problem, or entertain themselves. Video marketing can do all three at once!

Here are some essential marketing video ideas that you can use for your business:

  • Testimonial videos that feature people you’ve worked with in the past. These can give a first-person view into how great it is to work with you, your work ethic, and results you’ve achieved.
  • Informational videos will allow you to educate and showcase your expertise to clients on various topics. These can be on anything from market trends to industry-specific insights.
  • Profile videos will give future clients a feel of who you are and your business experience. It will help people see you as a credible professional. Your professionalism amplifies.

It sets you apart from the pack and extends your reach to a much broader audience on social media and elsewhere.

Be creative in telling your story through promotional videos. These videos can make use of stock footage or professional video shoots starring you.

Connect with your viewers on a personal level. And consider producing entertaining and relatable videos.

Get Qualified Leads on Autopilot with Content Marketing

Synergise Content Production with other powerful lead generation tools for your success.

Check out our range of results-driven lead generation packages to get started. Have us take care of the rest for you, saving you time and money. Avoid frustration from complicated tools, failed attempts & under-delivered results!

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