New Zealand's Online Lead Generation Specialists

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About Us

At Oysteer, we’ve listened to feedback from people in many industries across New Zealand. Because of this, we’ve changed to solve the biggest problem B2C and B2B businesses face: getting a steady stream of good leads. While we still help real estate and insurance agents with leads and online marketing, our main goal now is to help all kinds of businesses get great leads.

Today’s market is very competitive. Many people and companies are fighting for attention. We help you stand out and become the top expert in your field. The leads we generate will boost your profile and income. Plus, you’ll save time. Imagine getting 15-25 extra hours a week to do what you love!

How do we do it? We use marketing strategies and tools that are proven to increase the number of leads you get. Our digital marketing solutions are built to give you a great return on investment.

Current Challenges in the NZ Market

Challenges Faced by Businesses in Attracting Customers


Cold calling, door-to-door leaflets, or putting your smiling face on ads. If you’ve been in business for a while, these sound familiar. Sadly, old-school tactics like these don’t work as well anymore. Outbound prospecting has been the traditional way, but it has its downsides. It doesn’t give quick results unless you have a targeted lead or an existing relationship. You might waste a lot of time, money, and resources on options that don’t get you any business.


Using inbound marketing is now very important for getting leads, inquiries, and sales. More people are searching for information online, so it’s not enough to just be out there. You need to get your website and profile in front of people ready to buy your products or services. The market is more competitive, and search engines are smarter. Google ranks based on quality, not quantity. These are challenges you need to tackle to improve your online presence. If you’re not getting enough inquiries, it’s time to rethink your marketing strategies.


It’s a challenge for both new and experienced businesses to compete. New businesses must go against the skills and connections of established companies. At the same time, experienced businesses must keep up with the noise created by newcomers to raise their profile.

How You Can Use a Digital Marketing Agency to Find Leads

The Top 4 Spheres of Successful Lead Generation for B2C and B2B Businesses

According to a study by Forrester, "companies that focus on online lead generation experience a 50% higher conversion rate compared to those using traditional offline methods".

Social Media Marketing

Social media is a great way to build "social-proof" and grow your marketing efforts. Did you know that "90% of decision makers say they never respond to cold calls"? But, "76% of prospects are ready to chat on social media"! Having an active presence on social media is a winning move for your business. You can grow your brand and attract clients at a lower cost than traditional media.

Content Marketing

Make yourself an expert in your market with great content. People love reading high-value content, and you have a great chance to impress. Not all content needs to be free. Once you’ve gained their trust, offer content like e-books in exchange for their details or even charge for them. Using landing pages with email lists can help turn leads into clients.

Online Advertising

Online ads are a cost-effective way to target your audience. Ads to nurture leads are available on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Ads. You can reach those likely to buy based on their demographics, activities, and behaviors. Go further by using rich targeting options like A/B tests on ads to ensure your ROI packs a punch. Why wait? Take the first steps to a huge competitive advantage over your competition. Make it rain leads!

Search Engine Optimisation

Optimizing your website for search gives Google more reasons to list you on the first page. The result – capture more opportunities with less effort. An effective SEO strategy helps you get found by matching your website’s content to what people are searching for online. Optimize for quality, not quantity. Build great content and links from and to your site. Imagine having to be picky about choosing customers (and not the other way around).

Benefits of Joining Us


Our team of digital marketers, content writers, and tech experts will help you create more business opportunities and generate leads with less work on your part. This way, you can spend more time relaxing with friends and family, going on vacation, or even pursuing a new hobby. Why spend hours or days trying to find the perfect marketing funnel with trial and error?


Instead of wasting your money (and time) prospecting through inefficient means like door knocking, cold calls/emails, and leaflet drops, we’ll handle marketing your business online so you can focus on what you do best. Also, avoid paying for software and tools that add up.


We are more than just a digital marketing agency. At Oysteer, we believe in passion and integrity. Customer satisfaction is at the core of what we do. We practice transparency in our prices and services, so you can be sure you’re getting your money’s worth. We’ll keep you updated with a monthly video report of the progress made, so you can track the ROI on your investments. Save yourself from the hassle of trying to understand something in another language.

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